Cause Fundraiser Application 2025

The River City Ball was created to benefit local non-profits working to improve the quality of life in Smith County through tourism, preservation, and commerce.

Each year the River City Ball will benefit a local project or organization and also provide a $1,000 scholarship to two graduating seniors from the local high schools and home school programs.

This application will place your non-profit in consideration to benefit from the 2025 River City Ball proceeds. Applications will be due to the Chamber of Commerce or emailed to [email protected] by November 1, 2024. Completed applications will be reviewed by a panel and applicants will be asked to present in front of the committee on November 4th at 5pm. Each applicant will be limited to a 5 minute presentation, so please be concise. The presentation should not be a repeat of the information contained in the application but should tell the panel something memorable that is not already on their submission.

Please fill out the application completely and provide any necessary documentation when applicable in order to be considered for the 2025 River City Ball Cause. Preference will be given to established 501(c)(3) organizations. You may feel free to use additional space when responding.

Please email [email protected] with any questions regarding the application.

Applications Due: November 1, 2024 at the Smith County Chamber of Commerce or emailed to [email protected]

Presentation to River City Ball Committee: November 4 th , 2024 at 5 pm. Location Smith County Chamber of Commerce Boardroom. Each group will be limited to 5 minutes to present and answer questions. If an applicant is unable to attend the presentation in person, they may submit a 5 minute video along with their application. Please contact us to make sure we have received the video due to email size limitations.

Name/information of non-profit or project:

Point of Contact w/phone number and email:

Non-profit status: (please attach proof):

Mission Statement or Brief Overview of the purpose of the non-profit:

How does the organization intend to use the funds raised?:

Expected Community Impact (how this will benefit Smith County):

Projected Costs/Timeline:

Current Supporters (individuals or businesses) Please describe ongoing commitments provided to your organization as well as community support you have experienced in the past:

Anything else you would like us to know when considering your non-profit/project: